Friday, November 19, 2010

Autographs, anyone?

Reminiscing the years when I was in school, way back in the 70s where pupils were proud to own a mini book called autograph.  At the tender age of 9 or 10 years old, I used to own a few autograph (mini) books where the autograph will be passed to your circle of friends and teachers for them to write some words of advice, inspirational or jokes for you.  Those popular girls and boys in school will get their autograph books filled up pretty quickly.  I remember some of the famous abbreviations, inspirational sayings and jokes until today (even though my autograph books have long been gone).


Friendship remains and never can end

I trust and love you

Hanya aku cinta kepadamu seorang


Go to Japan
To play ping-pong
Choose your husband
Like a king-kong

Roses are red
Violets are blue
When I sakit
I teringatkan you

Switch on the fan
Don't play that ball
You are my best friend
From them all


Always smile, coz the whole world will smile at you.  And there will be miles and miles of smiles to end you whole life long.

Postponement is the greatest impediment to the progress of studies.

We didn't really go crazy chasing celebities for their autographs though; somehow I had a few friends who managed to get autographs from celebrities such as Donny Osmond (youngsters should ask their mums who Donny Osmond was),  Muhammad Ali and Joe Bugner (ask your dad who these people were). 

Nowadays, prior to the Facebook and other internet craze, schoolgirls (mostly girls did this) would have scrap books which they really treasured. 

I'm yearning my school days which seemed to be the best part of my life.  So, boys and gilrs....please make the most of your school years with the activities that you can always treasure and cherish for life.

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